Bags / Polythene (Popular) / White H.D (Butchers) Bags

Bags / Polythene (Popular) / White H.D (Butchers) Bags

White HD (High-Density) bags are a popular choice for butchers and other food businesses.

White HD (High-Density) bags are a popular choice for butchers and other food businesses.


Bags / Polythene (Popular) / White H.D (Butchers) Bags


Product Code Description
04H01 6x8 - 8mic White H.D Bags
04H10 12x18 - 8mic White H.D Bags
04H02 8x10 - 10mic White H.D Bags
04H03 10x12 - 10mic White H.D Bags
04H04 12x15 - 10mic White H.D Bags
04H05 12x18 - 10mic White H.D Bags
04H06 8x10 - 11mic White H.D Bags
04H07 10x12 - 11mic White H.D Bags
04H08 12x15 - 11mic White H.D Bags
04H09 12x18 - 11mic White H.D Bags